Football first

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Today we took Emma to her first college football game. It was UW vs BYU but we only made it through half of the game. I found it kind of ironic that the first football game at our new school was against our previous school (ok, I know we went to BYU-Idaho not BYU but since we didn't actually have a football team I adopted our sister school's).

Here are some pictures of us before the game.
(she wouldn't look at the camera for this one)

Here is a picture of us after we got home.
You may think that I was rooting for UW because of my shirt but I was a little biased towards BYU. I only wore the shirt to cover up my sweat stains from carrying Emma 2 miles or so to the stadium. The rest of the games I will be all for UW though. Mike told me I would get killed if I went for BYU but as it turned out, we were sitting by a bunch of BYU fans so I would have been fine! I wished that I would have worn my BYU shirt under my UW shirt so I could have flashed my BYU shirt when they did something good. Oh well.

It seems like in Seattle babies are a bit more of a novelty than they are in Rexburg. Does this surprise anyone? Yeah, I didn't think so... But it's kinda funny because no matter where I go with Emma I have comments like, "awwwww, a baby" or "wow she's so little, how cute!". She gets alot of attention, she's going to be so spoiled.


Scully said...

Well, she is adorable. I am so glad we will now live so close to one another, because I'm going to need my Gummi Bear fix a lot!