First Well Baby

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Well, Emma got her first shots on Monday. She is actually 3 months old instead of 2 months like she was supposed to be. I was so scared to take her and I had to go by myself because Mike had class at the time of the appointment. It took a really long time in the office so by the time they got around to giving her the shots she was getting hungry and fussy. They finally gave her the shots and let me hold her while they were doing it. She turned bright red and started screaming as soon as they gave them to her. She wouldn't breathe for a little while which was making the nurse a little nervous. I was so sad for her that I almost started crying as well. I had to go out to the front desk to make a new appointment and it was a little hard to hear because she was screaming so loud. While I was making the appointment she just all of a sudden went to sleep. She was pretty fussy on Tuesday and then today she has been happier but kinda sleepy and out of it. We have to go in again next month for her next set of shots to get caught up. I have the appointment set up for the 22nd but I'm going to see if I can change it since that is only a few days before Christmas and I don't want her to be fussy for her first Christmas. I'm so sad to have to go through this all again so soon. It breaks my heart when I hear her screaming with pain.

We found out at the appointment that she weighs 11.5 pounds now. She's up 4 pounds since she was born. Everyone tells me she is really small though. It's not surprising though since I was always underweight as a baby no matter how much I ate. And if you've seen Mime then I guess you know she kinda got a double whammy. She is getting stronger now and can hold her head up pretty well when she's on her tummy but she hates tummy time so much that she starts screaming after about 30 seconds of it. At this rate she may never roll over. haha.

Well, I guess that is enough ramblings for today.


kandra said...

She sounds just like Brandon! Brandon hated tummy time and so I never put him on his tummy. It took him a little longer to roll over etc. but thats okay! I used to lay on the floor with him ...sometimes that would help. I hate doctors appointments. They are so sad :( A few tricks I learned was to give them Tylenol before you go, so it will immediately start working after the shots. I also fed Brandon after the shots. Ask the nurse if you can nurse her or feed her a bottle in the room before you leave, they've always said yes to me. I would get him relaxed before we left. That makes it much less stressful for you and baby. Good luck!

Scully said...

I'm sorry! It is always hard to watch someone else hurt. But at least this 30 minutes of discomfort is better than getting really, really sick. At least you can chant that mantra in the doctor's office, right?

Chandra said...

Oh I totally cried when they gave Parker his first set of shots. I couldn't handle it! And someone told me I could make the following appt BEFORE I go in to see the dr and it's so nice to be able to just walk out after those nasty shots. It gets better, trust me. And I skipped some appts too so that his shots were spread out. You're the mom and you can do just what you want. Hope Emma get's feeling better! It was good to see your mom at Book Club on Tuesday! We sure do miss you guys!